Our Mission


Our Plan


Our Purpose


Our Percepts


Our Proclamation

Cherry Valley Community Church is a community of believers of Jesus Christ living life together as a family, learning the Ways of the Lord, encouraging one another and showing the world around us the love and grace of Jesus.

  1. Living out discipleship as a daily way of life

  2. Seek His Way as Disciples

  3. Study His Truth from the Bible

  4. Step into His Life, Living Life Together



To Love God and Love Others by living life together as

Disciples of Jesus Christ who in turn disciple others to become Disciples.

This happens through relationships; first with Jesus, with other believers,

and our neighbors, as we live out biblical values that will influence and shape those around us.


Present, Proclaim, Promote, Participate, Persevere

 Present ourselves humbly before the Living God in Worship and Obedience to Him

Proclaim our hope in the Risen Savior

Jesus Christ to a confused and hopeless world

Promote spiritual maturity in the body of Christ through discipleship and training in Biblical truth

Participate actively in the lives of others whether it is convenient or not, creating eternal relationships

Persevere together in love and service to Jesus, our church family and the world around us


The plans of our Lord will always take precedence over the plans of men. 

Our prayer is His will be done growing His church using obedient saints. 

We must never forget we are His children, created to love and serve Him.

We seek to meet the needs of every generation beginning in our community as we focus on loving God and loving others.

Biblical love is found in John 15:  Obedience to God’s Word and sacrifice of self for the sake of others. This is the life we are called to live together as His followers.

His Way is making disciples.  We will seek His Way as we disciple through relationships, creating communities of disciples, who will in turn create communities of disciples.

 His Truth is found in the Word. We will study the Bible bringing Jesus’ transforming truth to light in our lives to influence the lives of those around us.

His Life is now living in us as believers. We will develop your spiritual gifts and incorporate them into the church, Glorifying God and edifying the body of Christ.

 We seek to become a Biblical Equipping Center for those called to the Gospel Ministry as church planters, pastors and missionaries.